Now, I wanted to write how super special the evening was, and that is important, but whats more important is the amount of volunteers it took to pull this off. There was a food volunteer, a gift and raffle volunteer, a dj, a technical volunteer, a prop volunteer, a registration volunteer, someone to install props, someone to connect the speakers, someone to put the table center pieces together, someone to make those centerpieces, and of course the volunteer I forgot to mention and there are many. Of course, an event such as this wouldn't even be possible without sponsors and donations. And, there were many sponsors too.
I have been a volunteer in many different organizations and I think it is so cool to help people out. So I write this blog post for two reasons. The first, AYT you rock! The volunteers and the youth of your organization are so wonderful to work with and it inspires me to keep on volunteering in any capacity! Keep it up! The second, is for all my readers. If you have not had a chance to volunteer in any organization don't you think now is the time? I mean, with all the political banter now a days, and the "what's in it for me" attitude, our youth and newer generations could benefit from helping those that need the help most.
Try to volunteer in an organization that is devoted to helping further or make any individual better. You never know, when the Mask's come Off, you too, could be a much better person yourself.